Cherry & 'Small Fruited'

From the tiniest of 'bite-sized' fruits, to small 'saladette' types, this is my favorite category.
A host of colors to make Disney jealous, coupled with a flavor spectrum that
might just render
Gordon Ramsey speechless!
A true cornucopia awaits those with the room for adventure.
***Minimum Order is Only 5 Plants***
all prices include s/h
We will not be shipping for 2018
Almost 50 Varieties to choose from
New for 2017

Brad's Atomic Grape
Indet.Elongated multi-colored large cherries grow in clusters. Lavender and purple striped when immature, turning to green, red / brown with anthocycnin blue stripes when fully ripe. The interior is green with a blushed red when extra ripe. This amazing variety is delicately sweet. The fruit holds well on the vine and post harvest. The wispy foliage but produces a lot of fruit.

Chestnut Chocolate
Lovely 1-2 oz. chestnut chocolate colored fruits; High yield and disease resistance. Very hardy plants "last variety to dye in my garden". Great tasting fruit; Sweet, rich flavor typical in dark tomatoes. Has a good ability to hand on the vine and stay edible longer than most. Good shelf-life after picking. Slow to break down.

Cosmic Eclipse
Very unique variety. Beautiful 2-3oz. fruits start off green with dark green stripes and striking indigo colored splashes. It ripens brick-red with green stripes and lot's of black anthocyanin giving this a very beautiful multi-colored finish; sweet rich and juicy flavor. Very good production. Early-mid season. Great ability to hang on the vine ripe and stay edible better than most. Good post harvest shelf life. Slow to break down and extended eating quality.

Flaming Burst - VERY LIMITED #
A sweeter 'teardrop' shaped version of Jaune Flamme. - From the creator of 'Green Zebra' - Productive plants produce an abundance of gold aromatic fruits. Firm texture, very sweet. Fruits can easily be transported to markets. Indeterminate, 80 days from transplant.

Green Tiger
Elongated green-when-ripe cherry.Darker green striping creates a distinctive appearance. Green Tiger has the greenish-yellow flesh color and bold, sweet and acidic flavor typical of green-when-ripe varieties. Great in mixes with the other Artisan tomatoes™; See also - Blush, Pink Tiger, Lucky Tiger

Komohana Grape - Very limited #
This oblong Thompson grape shaped tomato has its origins in Hawaii (by the name)???
It does well in the hot humid tropics, and it should do well in the south; reputed to be very productive. The determinate - small bush plant is said to get so loaded with fruit that it needs support. Fruits are small about ½ oz. 80-85 days.
It does well in the hot humid tropics, and it should do well in the south; reputed to be very productive. The determinate - small bush plant is said to get so loaded with fruit that it needs support. Fruits are small about ½ oz. 80-85 days.

Napa Chardonnay - Limited Supply - Order Early!!!
Very productive yellow cherry with an pearlescentness to them. Great looking with a very good flavor that is sweet & rich. Everyone who trialed it was pleased. Another variety that has exceptional hang on the vine quality and can be harvested by cutting the entires cluster off, making for a very pretty and unique look. Early and does will in cool and hot conditions for me. - discripytion and pic from WBF

Petite Chocolate - 1.5 oz Cherry - For me... may be a few left over???
"Bred by J & L Gardens Seeds out of Rideau Sweet and Sara Galapagos. Indeterminate, regular leaf plant on huge vines produces abundant crops of 1 1/2", rich, chocolate fruit. The round to mini beefsteak-shaped cherries hold well on the vine and have a wonderfully rich and distinctive flavor." from Tomatofest (c) Seeds...

Pink Tiger
Fruits are pink and striped with orange. Unique julienne cherry tomatoes that will be sought after for their exceptionally sweet, juicy, tropical flavor. Fruits can also be picked prematurely and allowed to ripen off the vine without compromising the flavor - or let them ripen naturally and enjoy your garden view! Widely adaptable with extremely high yields over an extended period. Crack resistant. See also - Lucky Tiger, Green Tiger and Blush
Returning Favorites...

Amish Gold -
Back from 2015, and previous years Ok... actually seed came from Diana's, but I've been getting them from TF for the last decade; One of my personal all-time favorites - back for 2015! Cross between Amish Paste and Sungold. Ind. regular-leaf tomato plants that yield HUGE crops of 1 1/2"-2" long, oblong shaped, gorgeous golden tomatoes with sharply-pointed end. Fruit has the gold color and flavor of the Sungold, the meatiness of the Amish Paste and delicious sweet/tart tomato flavors that will have you wanting more! This is a perennial favorite tomato in my garden. A rare tomato variety.

'Angora' - Aka 'Velvet' Red - Cherry
Back again after a few years without - Too cool- Great for the Kid's Garden
This is a beautiful ornamental tomato is fuzzy like a peach, an interesting botanical oddity known at pubescence. Indeterminate, regular-leaf (well not too regular) plants with a fuzzy, blue-gray "fur" on the leaves. Plant yields an abundance of 1-inch, red, super-sweet cherry tomatoes that also have a slight silvery fuzz on them which causes the red to appear less than red. A spectacular novelty tomato. Rare tomato seeds. This is great selection for a patio garden.
This is a beautiful ornamental tomato is fuzzy like a peach, an interesting botanical oddity known at pubescence. Indeterminate, regular-leaf (well not too regular) plants with a fuzzy, blue-gray "fur" on the leaves. Plant yields an abundance of 1-inch, red, super-sweet cherry tomatoes that also have a slight silvery fuzz on them which causes the red to appear less than red. A spectacular novelty tomato. Rare tomato seeds. This is great selection for a patio garden.

Apricosa - Returning from 2015
These were AWESOME in my trials last year, for production and flavor. "Early. Indet. plants with dark green regular foliage. It is a prolific bloomer, sets fruit early and produces loads of large round orange cherry fruits with apricot-colored flesh, some up to 2" in diameter. Delicious sweet flavor." from Tatiana's

Barry's Crazy Cherry - SOLD OUT in 2016!!!
High Demand - Hope I have one for myself so I can collect seeds!
"Huge clusters of pale yellow, oval shaped cherry tomatoes. Very good, sweet flavor. Huge harvest potential. Come from the largest cherry tomato clusters I have ever seen." - Text & photo from WBF (c)
"Huge clusters of pale yellow, oval shaped cherry tomatoes. Very good, sweet flavor. Huge harvest potential. Come from the largest cherry tomato clusters I have ever seen." - Text & photo from WBF (c)

Big Sungold Select
This is a selection from the regular Sungold tomato, sent to us by Reinhard Kraft of Germany. This is one of the tastiest orange cherry tomatoes out there! This little cherry was the favorite of many of our staff last summer; we love the sweet tangy taste! This variety is not completely stable and a few plants still produced red fruit.

Black Plum - "one Black Plum can feed an army!"... from a customer comment -
SOLD OUT in 2016!!!
A very prolific Russian strain, whose brownish-gray fruits are so sweet and meaty that some prefer Black Plum to Roma for making sauces. Also excellent when used in salads or for drying. Oval fruits average 2 to 4 oz., and turn a deep mahogany-brown color at maturity. One of our best for both fresh market and home use.
A very prolific Russian strain, whose brownish-gray fruits are so sweet and meaty that some prefer Black Plum to Roma for making sauces. Also excellent when used in salads or for drying. Oval fruits average 2 to 4 oz., and turn a deep mahogany-brown color at maturity. One of our best for both fresh market and home use.

Black Yum Yum - seriously, thats the name!!!
Returning from 2015; Great taste and production in my trials. "Indet., regular leaf foliage that is a noticeably darker compared to most of the other tomato varieties. High yield of round brown/black fruits with green shoulders, 3-6 oz. Very rich and savory, delicious flavor, yum yum indeed!" from Tatiana's

Black Zebra - Back for 2017
Deep burgundy tomato has jagged green stripes on the outside and solid mahogany-colored flesh inside. Sweet and juicy, its flavor also carries the rich complexity associated with black tomatoes. This is a natural and stabilized cross between a black tomato and Green Zebra, and its size and shape are like Green Zebra. Surely a unique and stunning variety, these will be a hit at farmers' markets as well as in your own garden. Vigorous plants produce an abundance of 3 to 4 oz. tomatoes. Indeterminate. 75 days.

Blush – Freakin’ Awesome – like ‘Juliet’ but with FLAVOR! Ind. 75 days.
NEW FOR 2013 Delightful little tomatoes are about 2 inches long and shaped like elongated grapes. They start out clear yellow, but later blush with pink streaks, announcing they are ripe and ready to pick. Expect heavy production throughout the season and a fabulous flavor that is sweet, fruity and refreshing. Fred Hempel of Baia Nicchia Farm in California developed this truly unique variety.

Brandysweet Plum
"Indeterminate, open-pollinated, compact, potato leaf, tomato variety that was an accidental cross between Brandywine and Sweet 100, yielding abundant crops of 2 oz., jade-pink, elongated cherry fruit with the rich, complex flavors of Brandywine combined with the pronounced sweetness of Sweet 100. I've been told that it is difficult for these cherry tomatoes to make it out of the garden and into the kitchen because of their superb taste. A great snackin' and salad tomato." from Tomatofest (c)

Cherry Brandywine - back again from 2015
85 days, large indet., potato leaf, 1-1.5 oz dark pink large oblate cherries in clusters of 5-6, some fruits can be up to 3 oz and resemble mini-beefsteaks, very beautiful, very productive, smooth texture, nice mild flavor, which gets 'sharper' towards the season end. A fairly rare variety that should be more popular. Photo & Text from Tatiana's Tomatobase.

Coyote - Cherry - Limited Supply
From Tomatofest (c). "65+ days. Maye Clement brought Craig Lehoullier a branch of half a dozen of these tomatoes which he displayed at the PA Hort. Society Harvest Show in the late 1980's. Originally it was a wild Mexican tomato called Coyote Tiny Yellow. A jewel-like cherry, that bears 6 to 8 on a branch. Very flavorful!"

Dr. Carolyn - New for 2016 - replaces White Cherry
This is a wonderful ivory-colored cherry tomato that originally appeared as a variation of Galina's. Dr. Carolyn Male first saved the seed, and so the variety was named in her honor. Round fruit are about 1 inch in diameter and ivory-white deepening to pale yellow. The flavor is not just sweet, but also complex and nicely balanced with acid. Very productive vines. Indeterminate. 75 days. Text from TGS (c)

Frosted Green Doctors - A favorite 'Cherry'
Ind. 70 days. This is our favorite green cherry variety, having a good sweetness and lots of flavor as well. Named after Dr. Amy Goldman and Dr. Carolyn Male who have both written great tomato books. We offer two slight variations that we collected and mixed together. One is a yellowish-lime green fruited version; the other is the frosted version which is a pale, frosty-looking kiwi green. Both are delicious and well worth eating, but the frosted one is somewhat sweeter, and the lime one is more tangy. Large vines produced huge yields of these little cherries.

One of our favorite cottage garden tomatoes. This Victorian classic was created in England in the 1870s and introduced into the US in 1876. The fruit is sweet just like a greengage plum and our careful selection is also the purest now available with pale yellow flesh and green seed mass. Exceptional flavor! Each fruit is roughly 1 ½ inches in diameter. Produces early, often 60 days after planting and will continue until frost. Ideal for small gardens; Easy to grow in tubs.from BC (c)

Isis Brandy - Personal Fav.
Are you kidding me???
70 days. A stabilized cross between Yellow Brandywine and Isis Candy! Flattened, round fruits only @ 2-3" , yellow with pink blush on the underside. Very juicy, sweet and fruity when fully ripe; And only 70 days. Very rare !
VERY LIMITED #'s These WILL sell out fast.
70 days. A stabilized cross between Yellow Brandywine and Isis Candy! Flattened, round fruits only @ 2-3" , yellow with pink blush on the underside. Very juicy, sweet and fruity when fully ripe; And only 70 days. Very rare !
VERY LIMITED #'s These WILL sell out fast.

Isis Candy -
Ind. 75 days. Just plainly = Delicious. Superior quality fruits, marbled in red and with a cat's-eye starburst on each blossom end. 1-1/2" fruits are a silky blend of sugary of sweetness and rich fruitiness. Heavy yields, with season-long production of short trusses, in double rows of 6 to 8 fruits ea.

Lava Flow - Limited run - just because some awesome things shouldn't be shared :)
Sold FAST in 2016 - Don't be left out in '17 !!!
WOW!!! best description I can give from my '15 trials -
"Seeds from Gary Cass on The Big Island of Hawaii. After growing this and tasting the fruit, we are excited to feature this new variety at TomatoFest. Named by Gary for the colors and striping that look like the lava that flows from Pu'u 'O 'o', the cinder/spatter cone in the eastern rift zone of the Kilauea volcano. Short indeterminate plants that produce 2", round, light orange tomatoes with subtle green and darker orange vertical striping. The inside flesh is a pastel blush of yellow and pink. The tomatoes are juicy and contain complex, intriguing, well-balanced, fruity flavors that invite you into your next bite with a smile on your face. This is a wonderful salad tomato or just for snacking."- & Pic from Tomatofest (C)
WOW!!! best description I can give from my '15 trials -
"Seeds from Gary Cass on The Big Island of Hawaii. After growing this and tasting the fruit, we are excited to feature this new variety at TomatoFest. Named by Gary for the colors and striping that look like the lava that flows from Pu'u 'O 'o', the cinder/spatter cone in the eastern rift zone of the Kilauea volcano. Short indeterminate plants that produce 2", round, light orange tomatoes with subtle green and darker orange vertical striping. The inside flesh is a pastel blush of yellow and pink. The tomatoes are juicy and contain complex, intriguing, well-balanced, fruity flavors that invite you into your next bite with a smile on your face. This is a wonderful salad tomato or just for snacking."- & Pic from Tomatofest (C)

Lucky Tiger
This is an elongated, green when ripe tomato that will mature to dark green with red striping. This tomato gets high marks for flavor: tangy, sweet and complex with tropical notes and balanced acidity. Lucky Tiger has great market gardening potential, they stand out in the market display and is well suited for both greenhouse and field growing. - from BC (c)

Lollipop - Growers favorite yellow cherry - Hard to find
Truly yummy, kids (and yes, this adult) love them!
Ind. Fruits look like lollipops and have a lemony flavor. Distinctive in three ways: the fruits hang on the plants like lollipops, color is creamy yellow, and the flavor is sweet and lemon-like. Fruits average 6 per cluster, occasionally as many as 10 per cluster, each fruit measuring 1-1/4" by 1-1/4". Foliage is narrow leaved on well-branched plants. Highly productive, even under continuous high temperatures, day and night. Vines have good resistance to foliage diseases and plants are suitable for ground culture if desired. Widely adapted, excellent garden variety.

Michael Pollan - Aka "Mint Julep" - VERY FEW left for 2016!!!
Odd shaped mutant from green zebra. Named after the awesome writer, journalist and teacher. (Please read one of his books) Taste is very different from the Green Zebra. Much less tartness, more mild with good sweetness. Very positive response at the Farmers Market.

Minibel - see also 'Patio'
SOLD OUT in 2016 - 65 days. Determinate. Bite-sized fruits are sweet and flavorsome. Tiny ornamental plants reach only to about a foot in height and require no support. Covered in tasty little tomatoes. Excellent choice for containers, pots or hanging baskets; pretty enough for the patio or deck. So cute!

Norwood Miner's - Grower's Choice!!!
Incredible production in my 2015 trials! From the awesome breeding project at 'Wild Boar Farms'... Lovely clusters of striped cherry tomatoes with a very nice sweet tomato flavor and very good production. Named after a tomato friend that I shared many loving tomato conversation with until his passing in 2010. Norwood was great historian and passionate gardener from Mandeville Louisiana. Sometime in early 2000’s I sent Norwood seeds from Beauty King. He reported that one plant produced clusters of large cherry size tomatoes that looked like mini Beauty Kings.

Orange Peach - VERY RARE = Limited #
75 days. A chance cross in the fields of our good friend James Weaver led to this exciting new variety. The fruits are orange, range from golf-ball to tennis-ball size, and are very sweet and flavorful. The fuzzy skin, reminiscent of a real peach, comes as an interesting bonus. Believed to be a cross of Mini Orange and Yellow Peach, which is an old French variety that was once used to make a very passable “marmalade.” from BC (c)

Patio - DWARF - New for 2016 - see also 'Minibel'
This dwarf variety is one of America's most popular varieties ever for growing on patios, decks, courtyards, or wherever garden space is limited. Plants have attractive, deep green foliage and only become about 2 ft. tall, but produce large harvests of bright red, 3 to 4 oz. flavorful tomatoes. Outstanding for growing in containers -- one that measures at least 12 inches wide works best. Determinate. 70 days. Text from TGS (c)

Purple Bumblebee - SOLD OUT in 2016 !!!
Slightly elongated little cherries with the most outrageous striping in lime green and bronzy-purple! Crack-resistant fruits are produced all season long on plants that are unfazed by temperature extremes. The flavor is complex but sweet. Excellent holding quality makes this newer type outstanding for market. The bar just got higher! 60+ days; Ind.

Sungold Hy - See also 'Big Sungold Select'
One of the best tasting 'maters on the planet!!!
A positively luscious, bite-size golden beauty overflowing with an abundance of fruits - thin-skinned, with a juicy flesh that holds its oh-so-sweet, fresh-from-the-vine flavor. Very early, and a heavy cropper both outdoors and in greenhouses. Cascading trusses are smothered in fruits that remain ripe and ready for picking over long periods of time.
A positively luscious, bite-size golden beauty overflowing with an abundance of fruits - thin-skinned, with a juicy flesh that holds its oh-so-sweet, fresh-from-the-vine flavor. Very early, and a heavy cropper both outdoors and in greenhouses. Cascading trusses are smothered in fruits that remain ripe and ready for picking over long periods of time.

Supersweet 100 Hy. - Cherry
With the same great flavor that made its predecessor a garden favorite for many years, Supersweet 100 also has a higher vitamin C content than any other tomato. The bright red, 1-inch globes are amazingly sweet, and arise prolifically on indeterminate plants resistant to Verticillium Wilt and Fusarium Wilt race 1.

Sweet Orange Roma - Compact
From Tomatofest (c). 75 days. When I had the opportunity to attend the event many years ago this was THE variety that stole the show for me. An prolific producer of large, 1 1/2 x 3-inch, very pretty orange, meaty and great tasting Roma tomatoes. Late producing variety even as weather gets cool.
Smallish plants with the classic thin, wispy foliage of most paste types.
Smallish plants with the classic thin, wispy foliage of most paste types.

Aunt Molly’s Ground Cherry -
Det. 70 days. Ground cherries are yellow, marble-shaped fruits with a pineapple-like flavor. They can be eaten fresh, added to salads and stir-fries, made into jams and pies, or dried like raisins. Aunt Molly's ground cherries are sweet and flavorful. Children love them! Harvest ground cherries when they fall from the plants. They should be eaten when they are fully ripe and have turned from green to yellow. Give the plants well-drained soil without fertilizer. Culture is similar to tomatoes. Can be grown in pots. Also known as Goldenberry or Husk Tomato.

Purple Tomatillo –
Det. 70 days.A rare heirloom variety with small oval, 1 oz., 1 to 1-1/2" fruits that ripen from green to purple. Flavor is sweet (sweeter than green tomatillos), yet tart and can be eaten straight from the vine. Makes an attractive purple salsa or try them on the grill. Skins are noticeably less sticky than most tomatillos. Easy-to-grow. Plants are 10" tall and spread 20 to 24".