Frequently Asked Questions

One of my favorite Saturday Night Live quotes; Dana Carvey as Ross Perot... "there are no stupid questions, only stupid people"
I of course take this to mean 'those that don't ask, choose to remain stupid... '
And also, there are a few out there who will call or email and ask the following, after I have so painstakingly taken the time to publish this via the inter-web... :)
- Can I come to your place and Pick Up plants?
- When will my plants ship?
- Do you sell seeds?
- Can you recommend specific varieties for: heat, humidity, containers, hydroponics, flavor, most toxic to cats, etc…
- Will I have to ‘harden off’ my plants?
- Caring for your new tomatoes = link to a very helpful info page
- Why are the different varieties different sizes?
- Why do you sell out so fast? Why must we order so early?