Striped & Bi Colored Fruit
Arguably the fastest growing 'category' in tomato culture, as more people discover the complexity of flavors held within these beautiful fruits. Sweet & tangy, bold & juicy, a true sensory overload - Often hiding a citrusy/pineapple kick... Once upon a time these jewels only came in whopping 2 lb. plus sizes. With a lot of breeding by taste save people, many new smaller fruited varieties- more heat tolerant ??? - are now available. When two colors combine, like with the sweetness of the yellow and the acidity of a red, the flavors are often off the charts !!!
***Minimum Order is Only 5 Plants***
all prices include s/h
We will not be shipping for 2018
Kaleidoscopic Mix
For all who survived the 60's.. prepare for a flashback!
We are seeing more and more breeding of Striped & Multi-colored fruits, which is great because the flavors are so rich and complex. Students of the tomato game, this is for you!
10 assorted "out there" varieties in all sizes...
We are seeing more and more breeding of Striped & Multi-colored fruits, which is great because the flavors are so rich and complex. Students of the tomato game, this is for you!
10 assorted "out there" varieties in all sizes...
New for 2017
Afternoon Delight
8-16 oz. - mid-late season indeterminate. Large and very meatly red / yellow bi-color beefsteak with purple anthocyanin splashes on the sun kissed fruits. This was an accidentlal cross between big rainbow and an unknown anthocyanin line 5 years ago. Large, beautiful, solid and meaty. Good ability to hang on the vine ripe and maintains flavor and texture. Stores well post harvest.
Sent along by Brad for us to trial here in Texas - won't you help?
Sent along by Brad for us to trial here in Texas - won't you help?
Black Pear - (Aka 'Japanese Black Trifele)
Dark brown tomatoes are shaped like miniature pears and flavored with an excellent, rich taste. Potato-leaved plants produce an abundance of these beautiful, 4 to 6 ounce fruit, perfect for cutting up for salads or using as a unique addition to platters. Heirloom variety. Indeterminate. 80 days. seeds pic & text from TGS
Brad's Atomic Grape
Indet.Elongated multi-colored large cherries grow in clusters. Lavender and purple striped when immature, turning to green, red / brown with anthocycnin blue stripes when fully ripe. The interior is green with a blushed red when extra ripe. This amazing variety is delicately sweet. The fruit holds well on the vine and post harvest. The wispy foliage but produces a lot of fruit.
Chestnut Chocolate
Lovely 1-2 oz. chestnut chocolate colored fruits; High yield and disease resistance. Very hardy plants "last variety to dye in my garden". Great tasting fruit; Sweet, rich flavor typical in dark tomatoes. Has a good ability to hand on the vine and stay edible longer than most. Good shelf-life after picking. Slow to break down.
Cosmic Eclipse
Very unique variety. Beautiful 2-3oz. fruits start off green with dark green stripes and striking indigo colored splashes. It ripens brick-red with green stripes and lot's of black anthocyanin giving this a very beautiful multi-colored finish; sweet rich and juicy flavor. Very good production. Early-mid season. Great ability to hang on the vine ripe and stay edible better than most. Good post harvest shelf life. Slow to break down and extended eating quality.
Green Sausage
Sausage-shaped 4" fruits are defined by yellow stripes, revealing kiwi-like green flesh when sliced. Bushy plants produce 6 to 8 fruits per truss, and require only moderate staking for high yields. Very ornamental, but also flavorful enough to hold its own with the best of the paste tomatoes.
Green Tiger
Elongated green-when-ripe cherry.Darker green striping creates a distinctive appearance. Green Tiger has the greenish-yellow flesh color and bold, sweet and acidic flavor typical of green-when-ripe varieties. Great in mixes with the other Artisan tomatoes™; See also - Blush, Pink Tiger, Lucky Tiger
Lovely Lush
Anthocyanin rich Small 4-6oz Beefsteaks. Lovely Pink-Rose colored with green stripes that turn gold. Anthocynin splashes, depending on UV, makes this a very visually exciting tomato. Meaty, rich and luscious flavor; Fairly sweet. This variety has good hang on the vine ripe ability and great post harvest storage ability. A 'bonus' variety from Brad Gates for Texans to trail - THANKS BG!!!
'Lucky Swirl' Dwarf
90 days, determinate tree-type — 'Lucky Swirl' is a rugose, regular leaf variety that produces medium-large (five to twenty ounce), yellow and red bi-color fruits. The fruits are smooth, slightly ribbed, oblate in shape, juicy and meaty with a nice mild and sweet flavor. This variety originated from a cross between 'Dwarf Russian Swirl' and 'Lucky Cross.' Text and Pics from Victory Seeds. Pic A from Marjorie halloway, B& C from Vertiloom Heirlooms :)
Pink Tiger
Fruits are pink and striped with orange. Unique julienne cherry tomatoes that will be sought after for their exceptionally sweet, juicy, tropical flavor. Fruits can also be picked prematurely and allowed to ripen off the vine without compromising the flavor - or let them ripen naturally and enjoy your garden view! Widely adaptable with extremely high yields over an extended period. Crack resistant. See also - Lucky Tiger, Green Tiger and Blush
Solar Flare XL
10-20 oz. - mid-season indeterminate. Large and meaty red beefsteaks with gold stripes. Originally from one Solar Flare plant that put out extra large tomatoes. I grew hundreds of plants for several years selecting only the largest fruits for seeds. Great classic beefsteak flavor with a strong bite. Sent along from Brad Gates as a trail for us Texas gardeners, lets help him shall we :)
Summer of Love - Limited availability
8 -16 oz. mid-season indeterminate. This improved Berkely Tye-Die produces a larger yeild and ripens earlier. It has all the great colors and flavor of the original BTD. A good improvement to an excellent tomato. Beautiful, tasty and now more productive with an earlier harvest.
Yellow Fire
70-80 days. This dual purpose tomato brings flamboyant orange, yellows and reds to sauces and stands out when sliced and eaten fresh. The fruits are meaty, with few seeds and super tasty. We love how the unique striped fruits hang on the plants, you can't miss them! Text & Pic from Baker Creek.
Returning Favorites...
Blush -Freakin' Awesome - Like Juliet, but with Flavor!!!
Ind. 75 days. Picture from Seeds of Change.
NEW FOR THT in 2013 Delightful little tomatoes are about 2 inches long and shaped like elongated grapes. They start out clear yellow, but later blush with pink streaks, announcing they are ripe and ready to pick. Expect heavy production throughout the season and a fabulous flavor that is sweet, fruity and refreshing. Fred Hempel of Baia Nicchia Farm in Cali. developed this truly unique variety.
NEW FOR THT in 2013 Delightful little tomatoes are about 2 inches long and shaped like elongated grapes. They start out clear yellow, but later blush with pink streaks, announcing they are ripe and ready to pick. Expect heavy production throughout the season and a fabulous flavor that is sweet, fruity and refreshing. Fred Hempel of Baia Nicchia Farm in Cali. developed this truly unique variety.
Isis Candy –
Ind. 70 days. Just plainly = Delicious. Superior quality fruits, marbled in red and with a cat's-eye starburst on each blossom end. 1-1/2" fruits are a silky blend of sugary of sweetness and rich fruitiness. Heavy yields, with season-long production of short trusses, in double rows of 6 to 8 fruits each.
Lava Flow - Limited run - just because some awesome things shouldn't be shared :)
Sold FAST in 2016 - Don't be left out in '17 !!!
WOW!!! best description I can give from my '15 trials -
"Seeds from Gary Cass on The Big Island of Hawaii. After growing this and tasting the fruit, we are excited to feature this new variety at TomatoFest. Named by Gary for the colors and striping that look like the lava that flows from Pu'u 'O 'o', the cinder/spatter cone in the eastern rift zone of the Kilauea volcano. Short indeterminate plants that produce 2", round, light orange tomatoes with subtle green and darker orange vertical striping. The inside flesh is a pastel blush of yellow and pink. The tomatoes are juicy and contain complex, intriguing, well-balanced, fruity flavors that invite you into your next bite with a smile on your face. This is a wonderful salad tomato or just for snacking."- & Pic from Tomatofest (C)
WOW!!! best description I can give from my '15 trials -
"Seeds from Gary Cass on The Big Island of Hawaii. After growing this and tasting the fruit, we are excited to feature this new variety at TomatoFest. Named by Gary for the colors and striping that look like the lava that flows from Pu'u 'O 'o', the cinder/spatter cone in the eastern rift zone of the Kilauea volcano. Short indeterminate plants that produce 2", round, light orange tomatoes with subtle green and darker orange vertical striping. The inside flesh is a pastel blush of yellow and pink. The tomatoes are juicy and contain complex, intriguing, well-balanced, fruity flavors that invite you into your next bite with a smile on your face. This is a wonderful salad tomato or just for snacking."- & Pic from Tomatofest (C)
Lucid Gem - New for 2016
" 4-5 oz. beefsteaks. This is a red/yellow interior sister of Blue Beauty.First they ripen yellow, than more of an orange when very ripe. Very attractive with the black anthocyanin splashes really contrasting with the lighter colored skin. Good to very good production. Mid-mid/late.
Flavor is very good, much like a good bi-color. Sweet with fruity tones. Very meaty, very few seeds. One of the best varieties I have seen for heat tolerance. Very good ability to stay ripe on the vine and stay edible. (sometimes getting better) Excellent post harvest storage ability. (Last night i ate some that were picked 27 days ago and where excellent. This is an amazing variety" Text & photo from WBF (c)
Flavor is very good, much like a good bi-color. Sweet with fruity tones. Very meaty, very few seeds. One of the best varieties I have seen for heat tolerance. Very good ability to stay ripe on the vine and stay edible. (sometimes getting better) Excellent post harvest storage ability. (Last night i ate some that were picked 27 days ago and where excellent. This is an amazing variety" Text & photo from WBF (c)
Lucky Tiger
This is an elongated, green when ripe tomato that will mature to dark green with red striping. This tomato gets high marks for flavor: tangy, sweet and complex with tropical notes and balanced acidity. Lucky Tiger has great market gardening potential, they stand out in the market display and is well suited for both greenhouse and field growing. - from BC (c)
Michael Pollan - Aka "Mint Julep"
Ind. 75 days. Odd shaped mutant from green zebra. Named after the awesome writer, journalist and teacher. (Please read one of his books) Taste is very different from the Green Zebra. Much less tartness, more mild with good sweetness. Very positive response at the Farmers Market.
Purple Bumblebee - SOLD OUT in 2016 !!!
Slightly elongated little cherries with the most outrageous striping in lime green and bronzy-purple! Crack-resistant fruits are produced all season long on plants that are unfazed by temperature extremes. The flavor is complex but sweet. Excellent holding quality makes this newer type outstanding for market. The bar just got higher! 60+ days; Ind.
Large Fruited Varieties; 6 oz.+
Ananas Noir - "Black Pineapple"
So, honestley I wan't going to grow these for '16, but the good folks at Diana's Seed gave me a packet of seeds... so here ya'll go!!! A great plant if you want to try 'em...
Ind. 85 days. Also known as "Black Pineapple," with a distinctive, streaked interior that resembles a tie-dye pattern of pink, red, green and yellow. Needs space-regular leaf plants are large and sprawling, but earn their keep with an abundance of large, dark purple fruits averaging up to 1-1/2 lbs. Green-shouldered fruits deliver a complex, hearty tomato taste that's both sweet and rich, with smoky and acidic undertones. Makes a great tomato sauce.
Ind. 85 days. Also known as "Black Pineapple," with a distinctive, streaked interior that resembles a tie-dye pattern of pink, red, green and yellow. Needs space-regular leaf plants are large and sprawling, but earn their keep with an abundance of large, dark purple fruits averaging up to 1-1/2 lbs. Green-shouldered fruits deliver a complex, hearty tomato taste that's both sweet and rich, with smoky and acidic undertones. Makes a great tomato sauce.
Orange-Fleshed Purple Smudge -By popular demand-
GOING FAST for 2016 - Only 10 left!!!
A surprising "Best Seller" last year... I'll double production for '16. Medium-size fruits that are tangerine-orange with purple speckles and blotches on the top half. The purple coloring is the result of anthocyanin pigment in the skin. Weighs 4-10 ounces. Sweet and mild. I grew these here in Boerne a few years back and couldn't stop the production! A rare variety; Diana's is one of the very few seed sources of this fine fruit!!!.
A surprising "Best Seller" last year... I'll double production for '16. Medium-size fruits that are tangerine-orange with purple speckles and blotches on the top half. The purple coloring is the result of anthocyanin pigment in the skin. Weighs 4-10 ounces. Sweet and mild. I grew these here in Boerne a few years back and couldn't stop the production! A rare variety; Diana's is one of the very few seed sources of this fine fruit!!!.
Thornburn's Terra-Cotta -
Introduced in 1893 by James Thorburn of New York, this is one of the most sensational tomatoes we have ever grown. With honey-brown skin, orange-pink flesh, and green seed mass, this is an eye-catching slicer with an out-of-this-world flavor. The tomato produces heavily during mid-season and then drops off quickly once cool weather sets in. As a cooker it will yield a pumpkin-orange sauce with a floral aroma. We are excited to have this tomato that was painted in color in Thorburns 1893 catalog, at last we can offer this rare treasure! Very limited seeds this year. Fifty percent of each sale go to support Dr. Weavers work. from BC (c)
Uluru Ochre - DWARF - (Don't ask me to pronounce it!)
"Dwarf Tomato Project release. ...and think it is one of the ugliest things I’ve ever grown (though others disagree,) BUT the flavor was fantastic. This is the description from the DTP, “The vigorous dwarf regular leaf plants are relatively compact, quite early to produce and prolific. Producing a good yield of medium to medium to large sized (6-12 ounces) oblate uniquely colored tomatoes that are essentially the first “black/orange” we’ve seen – orange flesh with green overtones, and somewhat amber/orange/green in appearance when whole. The flavor can be a bit variable season to season, but at it’s best is absolutely delicious with a smokey flavor. This variety originated with a cross between Orange Heirloom and Rosella Purple.” text from SSS, photo from Victory Seeds (c). OSSI seed pledge
Dwarf Wherokowhai
From New Zealand, Maori words meaning "red/yellow" - Potato leaf Dwarf, it is the first bicolored offering from the Dwarf Tomato Project. Fruits are small to medium size, oblate, yellow with red swirls. Outstanding sweet flavor. It can be considered a dwarf version of one of its parents, Lucky Cross. Thanks to Patrina Nuske Small for photo #1; Picture #2 credit to