DWARF Arctic Rose
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Dwarf Arctic Rose is a 2012 release by the Dwarf Tomato Project. Topping out at 2.5 – 3 feet, this is the shortest of the project releases to date, it is also the first true determinate released through the project. Dwarf Arctic Rose sets fruit very readily and produces a heavy crop of medium-sized pink tomatoes early in the season. Flavor is nicely balanced and mild. Recommended for container or field growing and is especially suitable for short-season climate zones.
Dwarf Arctic Rose was developed between 2006-2012 by the members of the Dwarf Tomato Project from a cross between Budai Torpe and Black from Tula, made in 2006 by Patrina Nuske Small in Australia and named Grumpy. Sherry Shiesl and Susan Bailey of Alaska carried out the majority of the selection work on this new variety, which was named collaboratively by them in 2011. Ted Maiden grew out the F8 seed that was provided to Casey’s Heirloom Tomatoes of Airdrie for initial release. Regular leafed. Thanks to the good folks at HSM or the photo!
Dwarf Arctic Rose was developed between 2006-2012 by the members of the Dwarf Tomato Project from a cross between Budai Torpe and Black from Tula, made in 2006 by Patrina Nuske Small in Australia and named Grumpy. Sherry Shiesl and Susan Bailey of Alaska carried out the majority of the selection work on this new variety, which was named collaboratively by them in 2011. Ted Maiden grew out the F8 seed that was provided to Casey’s Heirloom Tomatoes of Airdrie for initial release. Regular leafed. Thanks to the good folks at HSM or the photo!